add additional clarification to some functions, add addNewsComment function and API, currently untested and not implemented in the client, fix a bunch of stuff that PHPStorm pointed out
280 lines
9.8 KiB
280 lines
9.8 KiB
require_once "lib/dynamic_style.php";
require_once "lib/script_data.php";
* Loads and returns the result of a PHP file.
* This function is typically used to process dynamic content of a page.
* It simply scopes an external file into a function to prevent variable conflicts.
* @param string $page_file The file path to the dynamic page.
* @return array Returns the array of data generated by including the PHP file.
function renderDynamicPage(string $page_file): array
return require $page_file;
* Removes all HTML comments from the provided content string.
* @param string $content The HTML content from which to remove comments.
* @return string The content without any HTML comments.
function removeHtmlComments(string $content = '') :string {
return preg_replace('/<!--(.|\s)*?-->/', '', $content);
* Parses custom `<page>` tags from the given input string and extracts parameters.
* Returns the input string with `<page>` tags removed and a list of parameters.
* @param string $input The input HTML or text containing `<page>` tags.
* @return array Returns an associative array with 'parameters' (parsed from the tag)
* and 'output' (the modified input string with `<page>` tags removed).
function parsePageTag(string $input): array
// Define the pattern for the tag
$pattern = '/<page\s+([^>]+)><\/page>/i';
// Check if the pattern matches the input
if (preg_match($pattern, $input, $matches)) {
// Extract parameters
$parameters = [];
if (preg_match_all('/(\w+)="([^"]+)"/', $matches[1], $paramMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach ($paramMatches as $paramMatch) {
$parameters[$paramMatch[1]] = $paramMatch[2];
// Remove the tag from the input
$output = preg_replace($pattern, '', $input, 1);
return ['parameters' => $parameters, 'output' => $output];
// If no match is found, return the original input
return ['parameters' => [], 'output' => $input];
* Renders a page based on specified page and site names, handling dynamic and static content,
* permissions, and error pages.
* @param string|null $page_name The name of the page to render. If null, uses default from request.
* @param string|null $site_name The name of the site to render. If null, uses default from request.
* @return array Returns an associative array containing the rendered page content, page name, site name, and page title.
function renderPage(string $page_name = null, string $site_name = null): array
global $routerConfig;
global $routerRequest;
if(!$site_name) {
$site_name = $routerRequest["site_name"];
$site_title = str_replace("_", " ", $site_name);
$site_title = ucfirst($site_title);
$page_name = $routerRequest["page_name"];
$dynamic_page_file = $routerConfig["page_dir"] . $site_name . "/" . $page_name . ".php";
$page_file = $routerConfig["page_dir"] . $site_name . "/" . $page_name . ".html";
if (file_exists($dynamic_page_file)){
$pageMetadata = renderDynamicPage($dynamic_page_file);
$page = $pageMetadata["output"];
elseif (file_exists($page_file)){
$page_tmp = file_get_contents($page_file);
$pageMetadata = parsePageTag($page_tmp);
$page = $pageMetadata["output"];
$page_tmp = file_get_contents($routerConfig["template_dir"] . "404.html");
$pageMetadata = parsePageTag($page_tmp);
$page = $pageMetadata["output"];
$page_required_permission = intval($pageMetadata["parameters"]["minimal_permission_level"]);
$page_required_permission = $routerConfig["page"]["default_permissions"];
$origSecret = $pageMetadata["parameters"]["secret"];
if ($origSecret == "yes"){
$is_secret_page = 1;
elseif ($origSecret == "no"){
$is_secret_page = 0;
$is_secret_page = $routerConfig["page"]["default_secret"];
$is_secret_page = $routerConfig["page"]["default_secret"];
if($page_required_permission > $_SESSION["privilege_level"]){
if($is_secret_page == 1) {
$page_tmp = file_get_contents($routerConfig["template_dir"] . "404.html");
$pageMetadata = parsePageTag($page_tmp);
$page = $pageMetadata["output"];
$page_tmp = file_get_contents($routerConfig["template_dir"] . "403.html");
$pageMetadata = parsePageTag($page_tmp);
$page = $pageMetadata["output"];
$page = str_replace("__DEFAULT_LINK__", "/" . $routerConfig["default_site"] . "/" . $routerConfig["default_page"], $page);
$page = "";
$page_title = $pageMetadata["parameters"]["page_title"];
$page_title = $page_name;
$page_title = $routerConfig['site_prefix'] . " " . $site_title . " " . $page_title;
$page = str_replace("__TEMPLATE_PAGE_TITLE__", $page_title, $page);
$page = removeHtmlComments($page);
return [
"PageContent" => $page,
"PageName" => $page_name,
"SiteName" => $site_name,
"PageTitle" => $page_title,
* Compiles a complete web page by injecting dynamic elements into a template skeleton,
* including headers, footers, and SEO tags.
* It is used when not going to a page by AJAX to initialize everything.
* @param string|null $site_name_in The site name to be used; defaults from global configuration if null.
* @param string|null $page_name_in The page name to be used; defaults from global configuration if null.
* @return string The complete HTML content of the web page ready for display.
function getPage(string $site_name_in = null, string $page_name_in = null): string
$page_tmp = renderPage($page_name_in, $site_name_in);
$page = $page_tmp["PageContent"];
$page_name = $page_tmp["PageName"];
$site_name = $page_tmp["SiteName"];
global $routerConfig;
$skeleton = file_get_contents($routerConfig["template_dir"] . "skeleton.html");
$footer = file_get_contents($routerConfig["template_dir"] . "footer.html");
$page_title = $page_tmp["PageTitle"];
$dynamic_style = doDynamicStyling();
$dynamic_script_data = [
"currentPage" => $page_name,
"currentSite" => $site_name,
"currentTitle" => $page_title,
"defaultPage" => $routerConfig["default_page"],
"defaultSite" => $routerConfig["default_site"],
"UserInfo_Privileges" => $_SESSION["privilege_level"],
$dynamic_script_data += [
"UserInfo_FirstName" => $_SESSION["first_name"],
"UserInfo_LastName" => $_SESSION["last_name"],
"UserInfo_Nickname" => $_SESSION["nickname"],
"UserInfo_Email" => $_SESSION["email"],
"UserInfo_MinecraftNick" => $_SESSION["minecraft_nickname"],
$dynamic_script = generateScriptData($dynamic_script_data);
$navigation = generateNavigation();
$seo = array();
$seo["author"] = htmlspecialchars($pageMetadata["parameters"]["author"]);
$seo["author"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["author"];
$seo["description"] = htmlspecialchars($pageMetadata["parameters"]["description"]);
$seo["description"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["description"];
$seo["keywords"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["keywords"] . ", " . htmlspecialchars($pageMetadata["parameters"]["keywords"]);
$seo["keywords"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["keywords"];
$seo["generator"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["generator"];
$seo["robots"] = $routerConfig["seo"]["robots"];
$seo_stuff = "";
foreach ($seo as $key => $value){
$seo_stuff .= "<meta name='$key' content='$value'>\n";
$out = $skeleton;
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE__NAV__", $navigation, $out);
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE__PAGE__", $page, $out);
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE__FOOTER__", $footer, $out);
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE__DYNAMIC__SCRIPT__", $dynamic_script, $out);
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE__DYNAMIC__STYLE__", $dynamic_style, $out);
$out = str_replace("__TEMPLATE_SEO_STUFF__", $seo_stuff, $out);
if($routerConfig["inlining"]) {
require_once "lib/inliner.php";
$out = inlineLocalStylesFromHref($out);
$out = inlineScriptFromSrc($out);
return str_replace("__TEMPLATE_PAGE_TITLE__", $page_title, $out);
* Provides an API interface to get page details including content and meta-information for routing purposes.
* This is what enables the page to never refresh.
* @param string $page_name The name of the page.
* @param string $site_name The name of the site.
* @return array Returns an array with status, page content, location URL, and title for the requested page.
function getPageEndpoint(string $page_name, string $site_name) :array
$page_location = "/" . $site_name . "/" . $page_name;
$page_tmp = renderPage($page_name, $site_name);
return [
"Status" => "Success",
"Page" => $page_tmp["PageContent"],
"PageLocation" => $page_location,
"PageTitle" => $page_tmp["PageTitle"],
} |