* Use Compression Streams API instead of jszip or other libraries.
* Remove usage of base64 in the new binary format.
* Do not convert binary data to string and back. The type of save data is SaveData, it's either string (old base64 format) or Uint8Array (new binary format).
* Proper support for interacting with electron-related code. Electron-related code assumes that save data is in the base64 format.
* Proper support for other tools (DevMenu, pretty-save.js). Full support for DevMenu will be added in a follow-up PR. Check the comments in src\DevMenu\ui\SaveFileDev.tsx for details.
* Added new types for various file paths, all in the Paths folder.
* TypeSafety and other helper functions related to these types
* Added basic globbing support with * and ?. Currently only implemented for Script/Text, on nano and download terminal commands
* Enforcing the new types throughout the codebase, plus whatever rewrites happened along the way
* Server.textFiles is now a map
* TextFile no longer uses a fn property, now it is filename
* Added a shared ContentFile interface for shared functionality between TextFile and Script.
* related to ContentFile change above, the player is now allowed to move a text file to a script file and vice versa.
* File paths no longer conditionally start with slashes, and all directory names other than root have ending slashes. The player is still able to provide paths starting with / but this now indicates that the player is specifying an absolute path instead of one relative to root.
* Singularized the MessageFilename and LiteratureName enums
* Because they now only accept correct types, server.writeToXFile functions now always succeed (the only reasons they could fail before were invalid filepath).
* Fix several issues with tab completion, which included pretty much a complete rewrite
* Changed the autocomplete display options so there's less chance it clips outside the display area.
* Turned CompletedProgramName into an enum.
* Got rid of programsMetadata, and programs and DarkWebItems are now initialized immediately instead of relying on initializers called from the engine.
* For any executable (program, cct, or script file) pathing can be used directly to execute without using the run command (previously the command had to start with ./ and it wasn't actually using pathing).
Reverted ToastVariant back to an enum internally. Still exposed to player as just possible strings.
Changed all 1-line documentation comments to actually be 1-line. Moved some because they were not providing documentation for the thing they were trying to.
Adds a channel to communicate between the main process & the renderer
process, so that the game can easily ship data back to the main process.
It uses the Electron contextBridge & ipcRenderer/ipcMain.
Connects those events to various save functions. Adds triggered events
on game save, game load, and imported game. Adds way for the Electron
app to ask for certain actions or data.
Hook handlers to disable automatic restore
Allows to temporarily disable restore when the game just did an import
or deleted a save game. Prevents looping screens.
- Used restful patterns for handling server calls (GET/PUT/DELETE)
- Utilized Server interface for saves rather than reimplementing code
- Exposed operations for getting codebase of scripts on the home server and deleting files.
- Added a common response structure
- Add a script to generate achievement data from Steamworks API
- Add achievements page with a link in sidebar
- Calculate achievements (1/min) with an engine counter
- Store achievements with a timestamp on unlocked in the PlayerObject
- Add a script to generate monochrome icons from Steam icons
- Add toast when unlocking an achievement