- Add support for 2;r;g;b color codes (much easier to deal with
than 5;x256 style codes)
- Fix 40-47 (standard background colors) so that they work
- Add support for italic
- Add support for empty arguments interpreted as 0
(0 is still not supported for "reset style", since it's not needed
with our non-standard usage of resetting styles on every escape
sequence, and it might cause compat issues)
- Fix ordering of 0-15 in the x256 colors to match the standard. The
"main" colors (selected via 30-37 for FG and 40-47 for BG) are still
artificially bright for FG, kept for compatibility, but there's no
reason to screw up the x256 colors. (Hopefully usage of that section
should be small anyway.)
* Added new types for various file paths, all in the Paths folder.
* TypeSafety and other helper functions related to these types
* Added basic globbing support with * and ?. Currently only implemented for Script/Text, on nano and download terminal commands
* Enforcing the new types throughout the codebase, plus whatever rewrites happened along the way
* Server.textFiles is now a map
* TextFile no longer uses a fn property, now it is filename
* Added a shared ContentFile interface for shared functionality between TextFile and Script.
* related to ContentFile change above, the player is now allowed to move a text file to a script file and vice versa.
* File paths no longer conditionally start with slashes, and all directory names other than root have ending slashes. The player is still able to provide paths starting with / but this now indicates that the player is specifying an absolute path instead of one relative to root.
* Singularized the MessageFilename and LiteratureName enums
* Because they now only accept correct types, server.writeToXFile functions now always succeed (the only reasons they could fail before were invalid filepath).
* Fix several issues with tab completion, which included pretty much a complete rewrite
* Changed the autocomplete display options so there's less chance it clips outside the display area.
* Turned CompletedProgramName into an enum.
* Got rid of programsMetadata, and programs and DarkWebItems are now initialized immediately instead of relying on initializers called from the engine.
* For any executable (program, cct, or script file) pathing can be used directly to execute without using the run command (previously the command had to start with ./ and it wasn't actually using pathing).
This is analagous to tprintRaw (enabled by ns.iKnowWhatImDoing()), but
for logs instead of the terminal. This provides a supported* method of
creating complicated UIs for scripts.
*No actual support, expressed or implied, is provided for use of this
* handle enums differently
* Enums are frozen and fed directly to the proxy
* Enums are not included in the NSFull definition, allowing samekeys for RamCostTree<API>, InternalAPI<API>, and ExternalAPI<API>
* Rewrote a lot of the ramcalc test, with better typing thanks to the samekeys above
* Fix ns1 for proxy (args, pid, and enums after above changes were not being added to ns1 scripts.)
* Fixed an overview issue where the bars could display inaccurately.
Update changelog and bump version to 2.2.1
* Updated mathjax and better-react-mathjax
* Removed MathJaxWrapper. Per better-react-mathjax documentation, we were incorrectly including a new context for every equation using this wrapper.
* Wrapped entire game in a MathJaxContext at GameRoot.
Previous changes had overview become empty when collapsing it, which broke the collapse animation. It also would have broken use of the player-visible hooks, because those would have been removed from the document on collapse.
Now a context is used to store whether the overview is being shown or not, and components that update themselves will only do so when they are being shown.
Fixes the broken overview where improper hook use was causing React errors for certain prop changes.
Overview no longer rerenders itself on a timer. Instead individual items that need to check for state updates do so themselves on a timer.
Includes some bug fixes:
* Fix sleeve shock internal/display discrepancy (0-100 vs 0-100)
* Special error message if ns function called without a this
* Change whitespace to pre-wrap for dialog box.
* Fix bug where idle sleeves do not consume cycles but still recover shock from those cycles. Now they do not recover during idle.
* attempted to tag commit as v2.2.0
* Add specific types for sleeve tasks
* Moved LocationName enum to overall enums file
* Add LocationName enum to those provided to player
* remove trailing s on CompanyPosNames enum (now CompanyPosName, in line with LocationName)
* Also regenerated all ns documentation. This leads to an expected error when checking for generated files, because PRs should not normally touch markdown files. Also leads to a lint failure in generated file bitburner.d.ts
* also removed some exporting from NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts for anything that wasn't imported somewhere else.
* Some game enums moved to utils/enums. Others can eventually be moved there as well.
* findEnumMember function for performing fuzzy matching of player input with enum members, without needing separate fuzzy functions for every enum.
* Also used findEnumMember for safely loading save games (allows case changes in enum values)
* Changed capitalization on some enums.
* BREAKING: removed classGains work formulas function
* Split ClassType enum into UniversityClassType and GymType.
* Added universityGains and gymGains work formulas functions
* Provided the new split enums to the player on ns.enums.