This commit is contained in:
2024-08-30 20:46:13 +02:00
parent dc854d411f
commit ab94c12299
4 changed files with 83 additions and 67 deletions

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

13 Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
export CGO_ENABLED=1
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/tunnelerLinux64
GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o build/tunnelerLinux32
export CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
export CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o build/tunneler64.exe
export CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
export CXX=i686-w64-mingw32-g++
GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build -o build/tunneler32.exe


@ -13,48 +13,49 @@ import (
type ServerConfig struct {
MapWidth uint32
MapHeight uint32
BlastRadius uint32
MapWidth uint32 `json:"map_width"`
MapHeight uint32 `json:"map_height"`
BlastRadius uint32 `json:"blast_radius"`
MaxEnergy uint32
MaxAmmunition uint32
MaxShields uint32
MaxEnergy uint32 `json:"max_energy"`
MaxAmmunition uint32 `json:"max_ammunition"`
MaxShields uint32 `json:"max_shields"`
NormalShotCost uint32
SuperShotCost uint32
ReloadCost uint32
MovementCost uint32
DiggingCost uint32
ShootDiggingCostBonus uint32
NormalShotCost uint32 `json:"normal_shot_cost"`
SuperShotCost uint32 `json:"super_shot_cost"`
ReloadCost uint32 `json:"reload_cost"`
MovementCost uint32 `json:"movement_cost"`
DiggingCost uint32 `json:"digging_cost"`
ShootDiggingCostBonus uint32 `json:"shoot_digging_cost_bonus"`
ShootCooldown uint32
RechargeCooldownOwn uint32
DiggingCooldown uint32
RechargeCooldownOpponent uint32
RepairCooldown uint32
MovementCooldown uint32
MovementCooldownNoEnergy uint32
DiggingCooldownNoEnergy uint32
ReloadCooldown uint32
ShootCooldown uint32 `json:"shoot_cooldown"`
RechargeCooldownOwn uint32 `json:"recharge_cooldown_own"`
DiggingCooldown uint32 `json:"digging_cooldown"`
RechargeCooldownOpponent uint32 `json:"recharge_cooldown_opponent"`
RepairCooldown uint32 `json:"repair_cooldown"`
MovementCooldown uint32 `json:"movement_cooldown"`
MovementCooldownNoEnergy uint32 `json:"movement_cooldown_no_energy"`
DiggingCooldownNoEnergy uint32 `json:"digging_cooldown_no_energy"`
ReloadCooldown uint32 `json:"reload_cooldown"`
type Config struct {
Debug bool `json:"debug"`
MapWindow bool `json:"map_window"`
RenderGameObjects bool `json:"render_game_objects"`
ProfilerOn bool `json:"profiler_on"`
ProfilerInterval uint64 `json:"profiler_interval"`
Server bool `json:"server"`
CameraW int32 `json:"camera_w"`
CameraH int32 `json:"camera_h"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Client bool `json:"client"`
Address string `json:"address"`
JoyStickDeadZone int16 `json:"joystick_dead_zone"`
DoAllKeymapsPlayers bool `json:"do_all_keymaps_players"`
DoJoyStickPlayers bool `json:"do_joystick_players"`
DoKeymapPlayer bool `json:"do_keymap_player"`
Debug bool `json:"debug"`
MapWindow bool `json:"map_window"`
RenderGameObjects bool `json:"render_game_objects"`
ProfilerOn bool `json:"profiler_on"`
ProfilerInterval uint64 `json:"profiler_interval"`
Server bool `json:"server"`
CameraW int32 `json:"camera_w"`
CameraH int32 `json:"camera_h"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Client bool `json:"client"`
Address string `json:"address"`
JoyStickDeadZone int16 `json:"joystick_dead_zone"`
DoAllKeymapsPlayers bool `json:"do_all_keymaps_players"`
DoJoyStickPlayers bool `json:"do_joystick_players"`
DoKeymapPlayer bool `json:"do_keymap_player"`
ServerConfig ServerConfig `json:"server_config"`
func loadOrCreateConfig(filename string) (*Config, error) {
@ -74,6 +75,32 @@ func loadOrCreateConfig(filename string) (*Config, error) {
DoAllKeymapsPlayers: false,
DoJoyStickPlayers: true,
DoKeymapPlayer: true,
ServerConfig: ServerConfig{
MapWidth: 1000,
MapHeight: 1000,
BlastRadius: 5,
MaxEnergy: 3520,
MaxAmmunition: 6,
MaxShields: 100,
NormalShotCost: 7,
SuperShotCost: 80,
ReloadCost: 4,
MovementCost: 1,
DiggingCost: 3,
ShootDiggingCostBonus: 1,
ShootCooldown: 8,
RechargeCooldownOwn: 0,
DiggingCooldown: 4,
RechargeCooldownOpponent: 6,
RepairCooldown: 4,
MovementCooldown: 2,
MovementCooldownNoEnergy: 4,
DiggingCooldownNoEnergy: 8,
ReloadCooldown: 16,
// Check if the file exists
@ -110,36 +137,11 @@ var config *Config
var gameMap = &GameMap{}
var serverConfig = ServerConfig{
MapWidth: 1000,
MapHeight: 1000,
BlastRadius: 5,
MaxEnergy: 3520,
MaxAmmunition: 6,
MaxShields: 100,
NormalShotCost: 7,
SuperShotCost: 80,
ReloadCost: 4,
MovementCost: 1,
DiggingCost: 3,
ShootDiggingCostBonus: 1,
ShootCooldown: 8,
RechargeCooldownOwn: 0,
DiggingCooldown: 4,
RechargeCooldownOpponent: 6,
RepairCooldown: 4,
MovementCooldown: 2,
MovementCooldownNoEnergy: 4,
DiggingCooldownNoEnergy: 8,
ReloadCooldown: 16,
var serverConfig ServerConfig
var mapWindow *sdl.Window
var mapSurface *sdl.Surface
var mapRendererRect = &sdl.Rect{X: 0, Y: 0, W: int32(serverConfig.MapWidth), H: int32(serverConfig.MapHeight)}
var mapRendererRect *sdl.Rect
var netPlayerMapper = map[*net.Conn]*Player{}
@ -154,7 +156,9 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
serverConfig = configX.ServerConfig
config = configX
mapRendererRect = &sdl.Rect{X: 0, Y: 0, W: int32(serverConfig.MapWidth), H: int32(serverConfig.MapHeight)}
players := make(map[uint32]*Player)
bullets := make(map[uint32]*Bullet)
@ -247,6 +251,7 @@ func main() {
if config.MapWindow {
// Profile rendering (aggregate all renderings)
totalRenderTime += profileSection(func() {
running = running && handleEvents(mapWindow, mapSurface)
gameMap.render(mapRendererRect, mapSurface)
for _, bullet := range bullets {
(*bullet).render(mapRendererRect, mapSurface, bullets)

@ -1321,9 +1321,6 @@ func handleRequest(conn net.Conn, players map[uint32]*Player, bullets map[uint32
player.gameObject.baseRect = players[0].gameObject.baseRect
player.gameObject.baseRect.Y += 10
defer bases[newPlayerID].delete(bases)
netPlayerMapper[&conn] = player