It is harmless for a biome listed in an ore or decoration registration
to be missing.
Now that we are registering certain biomes or not based on options
(such as floatland biomes), the biome lists in ore and decoration
registrations trigger these error messages, avoiding these error
messages would need a large amount of duplication of ore and decoration
Sneaking won't actually hover you in the air, releasing shift guarantees not
falling down (same as in MC).
Sneak-jump no longer goes higher than a normal jump (^ was required for this).
Sneaking no longer avoids fall damage.
You can sneak on partial nodes (slabs, sideways slabs) correctly.
Sneaking doesn't "go out" as far anymore (0.29 instead of 0.4).
Can't jump when sneaking out as far as possible (breaks the sneak ladder).
* client side mods are located in clientmods/
* move builtin/preview.lua to clientmods/preview/init.lua as a preview mod
* refactor ModConfiguration class to work properly with client and server using child objects
* move some Server constructor mod load code to ModConfiguration to reduce code duplication between client and server
* remove mods.{cpp,h} unused functions
* use UNORDERED_SET instead of std::set in some modspec storages
* squashed: CSM: Implement register_globalstep
* Re-use fatal error mechanism from server to disconnect client on CSM error
* Little client functions cleanups
* squashed: CSM: add core.after function
* core.after is shared code between client & server
* ModApiUtil get_us_time feature enabled for client
* rename GameScripting to ServerScripting
* Make getBuiltinLuaPath static serverside
* Add on_shutdown callback
* Add on_receiving_chat_message & on_sending_chat_message callbacks
* ScriptApiBase: use IGameDef instead of Server
This permits to share common attribute between client & server
* Enable mod security in client side modding without conditions
This commit introduces a new bulk node lighting algorithm to minimize
lighting bugs during l-system tree generation, schematic placement and
non-mapgen-object lua voxelmanip light calculation.
If the block above the changed area is not loaded, it gets loaded to avoid
lighting bugs.
Light is updated as soon as write_to_map is called on a voxel manipulator,
therefore update_map does nothing.
If you happen to have a font_path setting that is incorrect,
minetest will just attempt to start the gui without a valid
font which leads to a segfault later on.
We can attempt to load the fallback font path fairly easy,
but if that fails we should give up with a proper error message
and not a weird segfault later. This forces an abort() if
the fallback fails as well, and prints a useful error
message to the console.
Bool for 'only_in_ground'.
Min and max corridor length.
Min and max room size with X, Y, Z components.
Min and max large room size with X, Y, Z components.
'only_in_ground = false' allows core mapgens to create structures
in air and water using dungeongen.
Corridor length parameters replace a fixed random range.
Room size parameters replace the former system where one parameter
'roomsize' was added to fixed random ranges.
All parameters are set for no change to current dungeon behaviour.
Remove some now-redundant and long-unused code.
Correct node placement prediction for attached colorwallmounted nodes.
Correct placement direction for colorfacedir and colorwallmounted nodes.
Correct detatch mechanism for attached colorwallmounted nodes.
Placing a structure that extends into mapblocks that extend past
map_gen_limit causes a crash. For example a sapling growing at the
world edge which adds leaves beyond the edge, or placing a structure
using the lua voxelmanip, or placing a schematic or l-system tree.
Do not run the 'load_if_inexistent' block of code if the mapblock
is over limit, this also marks the mapblock with the flag
VMANIP_BLOCK_DATA_INEXIST which later prevents blitting back those
This fix therefore uses existing functionality by having the same
effect as the 'load_if_inexistent' bool being false.
This reverts the removal of Droid Sans as fallback font. The
license for this font used to be GPL2. I've updated the font
files to Liberation 2.00, which are SIL, and do not require
us to ship source code.
I've attempted to fix all the attribution and license strings,
and used the strings as provided by redhat for attribution
to make sure they're correct.
Last, I've removed a bunch of executable bits on files that do
not need them.
Previously in tunnel entrance floors only a single biome 'top' node was
placed and 'filler' nodes were missing.
Place 'top' and 'filler' nodes in tunnel entrance floors with depths
defined by the biome.
In tunnel entrances under rivers 'riverbed' nodes are placed to the
biome-defined depth.
Reduce the object limit by mapblock size, to avoid objects being
added just inside the map generation limit but in a block and sector
that extend beyond the map generation limit.
Change notification of 'objectpos over limit' from red in-chat ERROR
to in-terminal only WARNING, since this will happen often using mob
mods near the world's edge.
force_delete=true is usually set at shutdown in order to
also remove PlayerSAOs, however when too many objects
per block are detected force_delete is also set to true.
This was intended only for the current loop iteration but
obviously persisted to the next iterations thereby
deleting all other remaining SAOs.
It appears we were shipping font files without license text, and I
had my doubts about the bitmap fonts being usable directly.
This replaces existing TTF fonts with Apache-2.0 licensed fonts from
chome core (Cousine, Arimo, Tinos). Include the full license file
for all three fonts.
The Lucida Sans font bitmap is removed entirely for non-freetype
builds. There is therefore only mono fonts for non-freetype builds.
Fix footstep sounds coming from nodes to either side when walking on a
1 node wide row of nodebox slabs such as default:snow.
Fix sand footsteps when swimming in 1 node deep water.
Use a new function 'getFootstepNodePos()' instead of 'getStandingNodePos()'
to avoid using a horizontally-offset 'sneak node' for sounds.
Sound is selected from the node BS * 0.05 below the player's feet, so
that 1/16th slabs will play the slab sound but 1/32nd slabs will not.
If the player is not 'touching ground' the node detection position is
changed to BS * 0.5 below to preserve footstep sounds when landing after
a jump or fall.
This re-applies 2 commits that were reverted.
Visual_scale was applied twice to plantlike by accident sometime between
2011 and 2013, squaring the requested scale value. Visual_scale is
correctly applied once in it's other uses in signlike and torchlike.
Two lines of code are removed, they also had no effect for the vast
majority of nodes with the default visual_scale of 1.0.
The texture continues to have it's base at ground level.
Send sqrt(visual_scale) to old clients.
Keep compatibility with protocol < 30 clients now that visual_scale
is no longer applied twice to plantlike drawtype and mods are being
updated to a new value.
We want to reduce the chance that we get lots and lots of node
timers all happening once a second, because we're better off doing
small bits of work as they are available.
Reducing this to 0.2 seconds will greatly reduce the total amount
of nodetimers that elapse at the same instance, while not effecting
total work load. This results in a far better chance of the server
keeping up with work loads.