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2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core
local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3
-- @module worldeditadditions
2023-07-05 00:14:18 +02:00
--- Places saplings and bonemeals them automatically to create a forest.
-- Note that the defined region is *the region that saplings are placed in*, so nodes may ultimately end up being replaced outside the defined region depending on the size of the tree that grows.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 pos1 of the defined region to place saplings in.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 pos2 of the defined region to place saplings in.
-- @param density_multiplier number The density of the forest to create. Nominally 1. Higher values increase the density at which saplings are placed, thereby increasing the density of the resulting forest.
-- Note that sapling growth rules are respected, so there is a limit to the maximum density at which a forest can be generated.
-- @param sapling_weights table<string,number> A table mapping (normalised) sapling names to their relative weight. Higher weights mean an increased chance of that particular sapling being chosen. Weights need not add up to any particular value. worldeditadditions.overlay() is used under the hood to place saplings.
-- @returns bool,table<string,number> 1. Whether the operation was successful or not. For example, this command might fail if the `bonemeal` mod is not installed.
-- 2. A table of statistics about the operation:
-- | Key | Meaning |
-- |----------------|-----------|
-- | `attempts` | A table of numbers indicating how many bonemeal attempts each sapling took to grow. Saplings that failed to grow within 100 attempts are considered a failure and not logged in this table. |
-- | `attempts_avg` | The average number of attempts saplings took to grow. |
-- | `failures` | The number of saplings placed that failed to grow within the 100 attempts limit. |
-- | `successes` | The number of saplings that were placed and successfully grow into a tree. |
-- | `placed` | A `table<number,number>` map of sapling node ids and how many of that sapling type successfully grew.
function worldeditadditions.forest(pos1, pos2, density_multiplier, sapling_weights)
2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
pos1, pos2 = Vector3.sort(pos1, pos2)
local weight_total = 0
for _name,weight in pairs(sapling_weights) do
weight_total = weight_total + weight
sapling_weights["air"] = math.ceil(weight_total * 100 * 1/density_multiplier)
-- This command requires the bonemeal mod to be installed
-- We check here too because other mods might call this function directly and bypass the chat command system
if not minetest.get_modpath("bonemeal") then
return false, "Bonemeal mod not loaded"
local overlay_stats = worldeditadditions.overlay(pos1, pos2, sapling_weights)
-- Fetch the nodes in the specified area
local manip, area = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(pos1, pos2)
local data = manip:get_data()
local id_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
local group_cache = {}
local stats = { attempts = {}, failures = 0, placed = {} }
for z = pos2.z, pos1.z, -1 do
for x = pos2.x, pos1.x, -1 do
for y = pos2.y, pos1.y, -1 do
local i = area:index(x, y, z)
local node_id = data[i]
if not group_cache[node_id] then
2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
group_cache[node_id] = wea_c.is_sapling(node_id)
if group_cache[node_id] then
local did_grow = false
local new_id_at_pos
local new_name_at_pos
for attempt_number=1,100 do
{ x = x, y = y, z = z },
new_name_at_pos = minetest.get_node({ z = z, y = y, x = x }).name
new_id_at_pos = minetest.get_content_id(new_name_at_pos)
if not group_cache[new_id_at_pos] then
2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
group_cache[new_id_at_pos] = wea_c.is_sapling(new_id_at_pos)
if not group_cache[new_id_at_pos] then
did_grow = true
-- Log the number of attempts it took to grow
table.insert(stats.attempts, attempt_number)
-- Update the running total of saplings that grew
if not stats.placed[node_id] then
stats.placed[node_id] = 0
stats.placed[node_id] = stats.placed[node_id] + 1
-- print("incrementing id", node_id, "to", stats.placed[node_id])
if not did_grow then
-- print("[//forest] Failed to grow sapling, detected node id", new_id_at_pos, "name", new_name_at_pos, "was originally", minetest.get_name_from_content_id(node_id))
-- We can't set it to air here because then when we save back we would overwrite all the newly grown trees
stats.failures = stats.failures + 1
-- Re-fetch the Voxel Manipulator to accountn for the new trees
manip, area = worldedit.manip_helpers.init(pos1, pos2)
data = manip:get_data()
for z = pos2.z, pos1.z, -1 do
for x = pos2.x, pos1.x, -1 do
for y = pos2.y, pos1.y, -1 do
local i = area:index(x, y, z)
if not group_cache[data[i]] then
2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
group_cache[data[i]] = wea_c.is_sapling(data[i])
if group_cache[data[i]] then
data[i] = id_air
stats.successes = #stats.attempts
2022-09-19 01:18:03 +02:00
stats.attempts_avg = wea_c.average(stats.attempts)
-- Save the modified nodes back to disk & return
worldedit.manip_helpers.finish(manip, data)
return true, stats