* src/sky.cpp 146 warn V519 The 'suncolor_f.r' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 142, 146.
* src/sky.cpp 147 warn V519 The 'suncolor_f.g' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 143, 147.
* src/sky.cpp 148 warn V519 The 'suncolor_f.b' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 144, 148.
* src/threading/thread.cpp 63 err V730 Not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: m_thread_obj.
* src/server.cpp 3243 err V595 The 'log' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 3243, 3258.
* Modernize source code: last par
* Use empty when needed
* Use emplace_back instead of push_back when needed
* For range-based loops
* Initializers fixes
* constructors, destructors default
* c++ C stl includes
Fixes issue #3576
* Clouds now take camera position as 3D, not 2D
* Cloud grid filling extracted to gridFilled method
* Clouds detect whether camera is inside cloud
* Camera in cloud changes fog by overriding sky colors
with cloud color
* Sun, moon and stars can be temporarily disabled
with setBodiesVisible
* Disabling fog also disables all "inside cloud" behaviors
* Add Device3D class which will contain IrrlichtDevice interface
move getSupportedVideoDrivers to Device3D
Add Device3D singleton & use it in various places
Rename Device3D to Rendering engine & add helper functions to various device pointers
More singleton work
RenderingEngine owns draw_load_screen
move draw functions to RenderingEngine
Reduce IrrlichtDevice exposure and guienvironment
RenderingEngine: Expose get_timer_time() to remove device from guiEngine
Make irrlichtdevice & scene manager less exposed
* Code style fixes
* Move porting::getVideoDriverName, getVideoDriverFriendlyName, getDisplayDensity, getDisplaySize to RenderingEngine
Fix XORG_USED macro -> RenderingEngine + create_engine_device from RenderingEngine constructor directly
* enum paralax => enum parallax
Default true.
Add 'm_clouds_enabled' bool to sky.h, set from new bool in 'set sky' API.
Make 'getCloudsVisible()' depend on 'm_clouds_enabled' instead of
'm_visible' (whether normal sky is visible).
Add new colours 'skycolour_bright_night', 'bgcolour_bright_night'
and enable these between sunset end and sunrise start
Night sky has same hue as day sky but is darker and more saturated
Night horizon haze (bgcolour) is slightly less saturated and
slightly brighter than night sky, to be consistent with daytime
horizon haze
Move debug streams to log.cpp|h
Move GUI-related globals to clientlauncher
Move g_settings and g_settings_path to settings.cpp|h
Move g_menuclouds to clouds.cpp|h
Move g_profiler to profiler.cpp|h
Clean up nearby code a bit
As a small side effect, it is now possible to add a background texture
to the chat console by simply providing background_chat.jpg, it is no
longer necessary to also add "console_color =" to minetest.conf.