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/* Script.js
* Script object
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
function scriptEditorInit() {
//Initialize save and close button
var closeButton = document.getElementById("script-editor-save-and-close-button");
closeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
return false;
//Allow tabs (four spaces) in all textareas
var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
var count = textareas.length;
for(var i=0;i<count;i++){
textareas[i].onkeydown = function(e){
if(e.keyCode==9 || e.which==9){
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
//Set textarea value to: text before caret + four spaces + text after caret
spaces = " ";
this.value = this.value.substring(0, start) + spaces + this.value.substring(end);
//Put caret at after the four spaces
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + spaces.length;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", scriptEditorInit, false);
//Define key commands in script editor (ctrl o to save + close, etc.)
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
$(document).keydown(function(e) {
if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.ScriptEditor) {
2017-05-06 08:24:01 +02:00
//Ctrl + b
if (e.keyCode == 66 && e.ctrlKey) {
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
function saveAndCloseScriptEditor() {
var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value;
2017-05-06 08:24:01 +02:00
if (iTutorialIsRunning && currITutorialStep == iTutorialSteps.TerminalTypeScript) {
if (filename != "foodnstuff") {
dialogBoxCreate("Leave the script name as 'foodnstuff'!");
var code = document.getElementById("script-editor-text").value;
code = code.replace(/\s/g, "");
if (code.indexOf("while(true){hack('foodnstuff');}") == -1) {
2017-05-06 08:24:01 +02:00
dialogBoxCreate("Please copy and paste the code from the tutorial!");
if (filename == "") {
dialogBoxCreate("You must specify a filename!");
if (checkValidFilename(filename) == false) {
dialogBoxCreate("Script filename can contain only alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores");
filename += ".script";
//If the current script already exists on the server, overwrite it
for (var i = 0; i < Player.getCurrentServer().scripts.length; i++) {
if (filename == Player.getCurrentServer().scripts[i].filename) {
//If the current script does NOT exist, create a new one
var script = new Script();
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
//Checks that the string contains only valid characters for a filename, which are alphanumeric,
// underscores and hyphens
function checkValidFilename(filename) {
var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/;
if (filename.match(regex)) {
return true;
return false;
function Script() {
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
this.filename = "";
this.code = "";
this.ramUsage = 0;
this.server = ""; //IP of server this script is on
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
//Get the script data from the Script Editor and save it to the object
Script.prototype.saveScript = function() {
if (Engine.currentPage == Engine.Page.ScriptEditor) {
//Update code and filename
var code = document.getElementById("script-editor-text").value;
this.code = code.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
var filename = document.getElementById("script-editor-filename").value + ".script";
this.filename = filename;
this.server = Player.currentServer;
//Calculate/update ram usage, execution time, etc.
2016-11-24 23:30:33 +01:00
//Updates how much RAM the script uses when it is running.
Script.prototype.updateRamUsage = function() {
var baseRam = 1.4;
var codeCopy = this.code.repeat(1);
codeCopy = codeCopy.replace(/\s/g,''); //Remove all whitespace
var whileCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "while(");
var forCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "for(");
var ifCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "if(");
var hackCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "hack(");
var growCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "grow(");
var weakenCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "weaken(");
var nukeCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "nuke(");
var brutesshCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "brutessh(");
var ftpcrackCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "ftpcrack(");
var relaysmtpCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "relaysmtp(");
var httpwormCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "httpworm(");
var sqlinjectCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "sqlinject(");
var runCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "run(");
var execCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "exec(");
var scpCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "scp(");
var hasRootAccessCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "hasRootAccess(");
var getHostnameCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "getHostname(");
var getHackingLevelCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "getHackingLevel(");
var getServerMoneyAvailableCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "getServerMoneyAvailable(");
var getServerSecurityCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "getServerSecurityLevel(");
var getServerReqdHackingCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "getServerRequiredHackingLevel(");
var fileExistsCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "fileExists(");
var isRunningCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "isRunning(");
var numOperators = numNetscriptOperators(codeCopy);
var purchaseHacknetCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "purchaseHacknetNode(");
var hacknetnodesArrayCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, "hacknetnodes[");
var hnUpgLevelCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, ".upgradeLevel(");
var hnUpgRamCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, ".upgradeRam()");
var hnUpgCoreCount = numOccurrences(codeCopy, ".upgradeCore()");
this.ramUsage = baseRam +
((whileCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptWhileRamCost) +
(forCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptForRamCost) +
(ifCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptIfRamCost) +
(hackCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHackRamCost) +
(growCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGrowRamCost) +
(weakenCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptWeakenRamCost) +
(nukeCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptNukeRamCost) +
(brutesshCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptBrutesshRamCost) +
(ftpcrackCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptFtpcrackRamCost) +
(relaysmtpCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptRelaysmtpRamCost) +
(httpwormCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHttpwormRamCost) +
(sqlinjectCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptSqlinjectRamCost) +
(runCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptRunRamCost) +
(execCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptExecRamCost) +
(scpCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptScpRamCost) +
(hasRootAccessCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHasRootAccessRamCost) +
(getHostnameCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHostnameRamCost) +
(getHackingLevelCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGetHackingLevelRamCost) +
2017-05-15 17:38:17 +02:00
(getServerMoneyAvailableCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerMoneyRamCost) +
(getServerSecurityCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerSecurityRamCost) +
(getServerReqdHackingCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptGetServerReqdHackRamCost) +
(fileExistsCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptFileExistsRamCost) +
(isRunningCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptIsRunningRamCost) +
(numOperators * CONSTANTS.ScriptOperatorRamCost) +
(purchaseHacknetCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptPurchaseHacknetRamCost) +
(hacknetnodesArrayCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHacknetNodesRamCost) +
(hnUpgLevelCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHNUpgLevelRamCost) +
(hnUpgRamCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHNUpgRamRamCost) +
(hnUpgCoreCount * CONSTANTS.ScriptHNUpgCoreRamCost));
console.log("ram usage: " + this.ramUsage);
2017-05-15 17:38:17 +02:00
if (isNaN(this.ramUsage)) {
dialogBoxCreate("ERROR in calculating ram usage. This is a bug, please report to game develoepr");
Script.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("Script", this);
Script.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(Script,;
Reviver.constructors.Script = Script;
//Called when the game is loaded. Loads all running scripts (from all servers)
//into worker scripts so that they will start running
loadAllRunningScripts = function() {
var count = 0;
var total = 0;
for (var property in AllServers) {
if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var server = AllServers[property];
//Reset each server's RAM usage to 0
server.ramUsed = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < server.runningScripts.length; ++j) {
addWorkerScript(server.runningScripts[j], server);
//Offline production
total += scriptCalculateOfflineProduction(server.runningScripts[j]);
return total;
console.log("Loaded " + count.toString() + " running scripts");
scriptCalculateOfflineProduction = function(runningScriptObj) {
//The Player object stores the last update time from when we were online
var thisUpdate = new Date().getTime();
var lastUpdate = Player.lastUpdate;
var timePassed = (thisUpdate - lastUpdate) / 1000; //Seconds
console.log("Offline for " + timePassed + " seconds");
//Calculate the "confidence" rating of the script's true production. This is based
//entirely off of time. We will arbitrarily say that if a script has been running for
//4 hours (14400 sec) then we are completely confident in its ability
var confidence = (runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) / 14400;
if (confidence >= 1) {confidence = 1;}
//Data map: [MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] == null) {continue;}
var serv = AllServers[ip];
if (serv == null) {continue;}
var timesGrown = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][2] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline");
runningScriptObj.log("Called grow() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesGrown + " times while offline");
var growth = processSingleServerGrowth(serv, timesGrown * 450);
runningScriptObj.log(serv.hostname + " grown by " + formatNumber(growth * 100 - 100, 6) + "% from grow() calls made while offline");
var totalOfflineProduction = 0;
for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] == null) {continue;}
var serv = AllServers[ip];
2017-05-10 22:21:15 +02:00
if (serv == null) {continue;}
var production = 0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][0] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed;
production *= confidence;
if (production > serv.moneyAvailable) {
production = serv.moneyAvailable;
totalOfflineProduction += production;
console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname);
runningScriptObj.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " generated $" + production + " while offline by hacking " + serv.hostname);
serv.moneyAvailable -= production;
if (serv.moneyAvailable < 0) {serv.moneyAvailable = 0;}
//Offline EXP gain
//A script's offline production will always be at most half of its online production.
var expGain = 0.5 * (runningScriptObj.onlineExpGained / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime) * timePassed;
expGain *= confidence;
//Update script stats
runningScriptObj.offlineMoneyMade += totalOfflineProduction;
runningScriptObj.offlineRunningTime += timePassed;
runningScriptObj.offlineExpGained += expGain;
//Fortify a server's security based on how many times it was hacked
for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] == null) {continue;}
var serv = AllServers[ip];
if (serv == null) {continue;}
var timesHacked = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][1] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline");
runningScriptObj.log("Hacked " + serv.hostname + " " + timesHacked + " times while offline");
serv.fortify(CONSTANTS.ServerFortifyAmount * timesHacked);
for (var ip in runningScriptObj.dataMap) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == 0 || runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] == null) {continue;}
var serv = AllServers[ip];
if (serv == null) {continue;}
var timesWeakened = Math.round(0.5 * runningScriptObj.dataMap[ip][3] / runningScriptObj.onlineRunningTime * timePassed);
console.log(runningScriptObj.filename + " called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline");
runningScriptObj.log("Called weaken() on " + serv.hostname + " " + timesWeakened + " times while offline");
serv.weaken(CONSTANTS.ServerWeakenAmount * timesWeakened);
return totalOfflineProduction;
//Returns a RunningScript object matching the filename and arguments on the
//designated server, and false otherwise
function findRunningScript(filename, args, server) {
for (var i = 0; i < server.runningScripts.length; ++i) {
if (server.runningScripts[i].filename == filename &&
compareArrays(server.runningScripts[i].args, args)) {
return server.runningScripts[i];
return null;
function RunningScript(script, args) {
if (script == null || script == undefined) {return;}
this.filename = script.filename;
this.args = args;
this.scriptRef = script;
this.server = script.server; //IP Address only
this.logs = []; //Script logging. Array of strings, with each element being a log entry
//Stats to display on the Scripts menu, and used to determine offline progress
this.offlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
this.offlineMoneyMade = 0;
this.offlineExpGained = 0;
this.onlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
this.onlineMoneyMade = 0;
this.onlineExpGained = 0;
this.threads = 1;
//[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0]);
RunningScript.prototype.reset = function() {
this.offlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
this.offlineMoneyMade = 0;
this.offlineExpGained = 0;
this.onlineRunningTime = 0.01; //Seconds
this.onlineMoneyMade = 0;
this.onlineExpGained = 0;
this.logs = [];
RunningScript.prototype.log = function(txt) {
if (this.logs.length > CONSTANTS.MaxLogCapacity) {
//Delete first element and add new log entry to the end.
//TODO Eventually it might be better to replace this with circular array
//to improve performance
RunningScript.prototype.displayLog = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.logs.length; ++i) {
//Update the moneyStolen and numTimesHack maps when hacking
RunningScript.prototype.recordHack = function(serverIp, moneyGained, n=1) {
if (this.dataMap == null) {
//[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.dataMap[serverIp][0] += moneyGained;
this.dataMap[serverIp][1] += n;
//Update the grow map when calling grow()
RunningScript.prototype.recordGrow = function(serverIp, n=1) {
if (this.dataMap == null) {
//[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.dataMap[serverIp][2] += n;
//Update the weaken map when calling weaken() {
RunningScript.prototype.recordWeaken = function(serverIp, n=1) {
if (this.dataMap == null) {
//[MoneyStolen, NumTimesHacked, NumTimesGrown, NumTimesWeaken]
this.dataMap = new AllServersMap([0, 0, 0, 0]);
this.dataMap[serverIp][3] += n;
RunningScript.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("RunningScript", this);
RunningScript.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(RunningScript,;
//Creates an object that creates a map/dictionary with the IP of each existing server as
2017-06-18 23:01:23 +02:00
//a key. Initializes every key with a specified value that can either by a number or an array
function AllServersMap(arr=false) {
for (var ip in AllServers) {
if (AllServers.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
if (arr) {
this[ip] = [0, 0, 0, 0];
} else {
this[ip] = 0;
AllServersMap.prototype.reset = function() {
for (var ip in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
this[ip] = 0;
AllServersMap.prototype.printConsole = function() {
for (var ip in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(ip)) {
var serv = AllServers[ip];
if (serv == null) {
console.log("Warning null server encountered with ip: " + ip);
AllServersMap.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return Generic_toJSON("AllServersMap", this);
AllServersMap.fromJSON = function(value) {
return Generic_fromJSON(AllServersMap,;
Reviver.constructors.AllServersMap = AllServersMap;